Cloud Unfiltered

KubeconNA23 - Bruno Lopez from Testkube chats about a common framework for testing



Code Development in Normal Life Cycle: Discussion about building code as part of the normal life cycle, with a focus on DevOps personnel being asked to write pipelines for testing.Standardization Trends: Emphasis on the growing trend of standardization across various sectors, including database services (DBS) and the standardization of interactions with databases.Custom Code Challenges: The conversation touches upon the challenges of writing custom code and the need for constant rewriting due to varying scenarios, tools, and clouds.Cloud Computing and Company Know-How: Discussion about the impact of cloud computing and the importance of maintaining knowledge within a company, especially as teams and personnel change over time.Use of 'Testcube' in Testing Workflows: Mention of a tool or method referred to as "Testcube" which provides a standard, well-documented, and observable way for handling testing workflows, particularly in large companies.Differences in Testing Workflows Across Teams: Insights into how di