Dolman Law Group Podcast

Sexual Harassment and Retaliatory Conduct with Trescot Gear



Going into a sexual relationship with a co-worker is risky, especially if you don't clearly understand where consent stops and sexual harassment begins. What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is inappropriate workplace conduct involving the perpetrator and the victim's sex. However, the perpetrator must take some hostile action for the victim to have a probability. The onus is on the victim to show how they have been denied tangible benefits of their job because they rebuffed the perpetrator.Learn more in this episode of the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite personal injury lawyer Matt Dolman and his guest, Trescot Gear, Esq. They discuss workplace sexual harassment, what it is, what it is not, how to build a case, handling it in a small company without HR, and more.   In this episode: [00:49] Matt Dolman introduces his guest, Trescot Gear, Esq., and the topic of the day: sexual harassment[01:15] What is sexual harassment?   [02:08] When does a consensual relationship be