Dolman Law Group Podcast

Common Auto Accidents (Back & Neck Injuries)



No car accident is too small to cause pain and suffering. Sometimes even a fender bender can cause pain, depending on the level of impact, which is why the absence of visible injuries is no excuse for not getting checked after an accident. You need to certify that you don't have to worry about any common injuries associated with car accidents. What are some of these pain-causing injuries?There are sprains, strains of the neck, the back, and many shoulder injuries. You could also have spine pain which can travel to your hands, legs, and even your toes. When you start to feel numbness and tingling in your hands or feet, there could be an injury to the nerves. No thanks to muscular spasms or injuries from trauma during the car accident. The injuries can be worse. You can also experience bladder incontinence or inability to hold your bowels after a car accident. Learn more in this episode of the David vs. Goliath podcast with elite personal injury lawyer Matt Dolman and his guest, Dr. Ian Rainey. They discuss nec