Dolman Law Group Podcast

Reasons To Contact A Birth Injury Lawyer



When a doctor is entrusted with the task of preparing, monitoring, and delivering a baby, it’s a special responsibility. Every parent deserves to be excited and happy for their new baby, rather than worried about their child’s health and future.Unfortunately not all delivery rooms have the same story. Mistakes during delivery that lead to injuries and birth defects happen, and odds are that a doctor isn’t going to inform parents when they do. It may not be malpractice, but when parents don’t have all of the correct information about their child’s birth, they can be left confused and ill prepared to properly cultivate their child's care and happiness.When mistakes are made that affect you and your child’s future, that future deserves to be compensated. Stan Gipe explains that birth defects and disabilities ranging from mild to severe such as cerebral palsy and erb’s palsy can be traced back to moments where a child was injured or wasn’t breathing in delivery. Cases of brain damage or head trauma can be co