Car Rides With Little Miss Gigi

Peter's miraculous escape from prison



Today’s story is about Peter the disciple of Jesus - when an Angel miraculously breaks him free from prison. Peter’s heart was pounding fast, faster than it ever had before. He didn’t dare sit down, in case a rat crawled over his lap again. At least, he thought it had been a rat. It was pitch black in the prison cell, and he really couldn’t tell what creatures were in here. Peter inched closer to the bars of the cell door, being careful not to rattle the chains around his ankles too much. The last thing he wanted was for the mean prison guards to hear him. Reaching the cell door, he wrapped his hands around the cold metal bars. How had this happened? Peter thought about the terrible week he’d had. King Herod hated the church that Peter and his friends belonged to. King Herod hated that they talked about Jesus, and how they believed Jesus was the one true King. Peter hadn’t been afraid of evil King Herod. He knew that Jesus was stronger than any king on earth. But now King Herod had arrested Peter and thrown h