Neil Lazarus

Is Peace with Saudi Arabia Possible?



Join Neil Lazarus, a renowned commentator in Middle Eastern affairs and the founder of AwesomeSeminars, in a riveting exploration of one of the most critical questions of our time: Is lasting peace possible between Israel and Saudi Arabia?In this thought-provoking podcast, Neil delves into the intricate web of geopolitics, regional interests, and global dynamics that shape the possibilities for peace in the Middle East.Episode Highlights:Understanding the Players: Neil Lazarus dissects the motivations and interests of key players, including Israel and Saudi Arabia, shedding light on the complex factors driving their actions.The Palestinian Perspective: We can't discuss peace in the Middle East without considering the Palestinian people. Neil takes a deep dive into the Palestinian viewpoint and their aspirations for a peaceful future.The Role of the United States: Explore the influence of the United States on the region and how its foreign policy decisions impact the prospects for peace.Why It Matters:The impo