Heritage Radio Network On Tour

Autumn Olive Farms Tour and Lunch at Fire, Flour & Fork



Kat Johnson kicks off Fire, Flour & Fork with a trip to Autumn Olive Farms in the Shenandoah Valley for a “Pig Safari” and picturesque lunch. Clay and Linda Trainum raise heritage breed pigs on their family farm. After starting with Ossabaw pigs, Clay realized he could cross-breed them with Berkshires to create a chef’s ideal pork. They dubbed this new breed the ‘Berkabaw,’ and guests on the outing got to see some of these animals up-close-and-personal. Lunch on the farm was prepared by a team of chefs, with each dish incorporating AOF pork, and wines pairings were provided by Ox-Eye Vineyards. Kat quickly caught up with Clay Trainum, Chef Ian Boden, and Vintner John Kiers about this special afternoon. Heritage Radio Network On Tour is powered by Simplecast.