Heritage Radio Network On Tour

2022 Slow Seed Summit: Author Readings - May 15



HRN was proud to work with Slow Food USA as a media partner for the Slow Seed Summit, which took place on May 13 - May 15, 2022.  For three days, hundreds of people from around the world gathered virtually to discuss the regeneration of our world’s foodways to advance good, clean and fair food for all. Each day focused on a new lens through which attendees listened, shared and planned the future of our climate, health and food justice. We took a moment during this rousing Global Slow Seed Summit to pause, slow down and reflect with some people in our network who have done much reflection on the key theme of this summit: Regenerating our Climate, Health and Connection. Our featured authors  have written about so many aspects of this theme, and today we put a special focus on Women, Seeds and Community.  You'll hear from John Hausdoerffer, Kaylena Bray, Heather Swan, Anjanette Wilson, and Katherine Kassouf Cummings. John Hausdoerffer is the editor of What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? and  Kinship: Belong