Your Money, Your Wealth

Roth Conversions to Pay Less Tax on Retirement Withdrawals - 466



Should Peter LemonJello, who has high income, and his wife, who is retired with zero income, file their taxes as married filing separately so they can start Roth conversions? What are the tax implications of Roth conversions for Randy in Chi-town, an early retiree in the 32% tax bracket? Caity with a C in SLC is self-employed and over the income max to contribute to a Roth, so now what? And Ben in Oceanside, CA wants to know what impact Roth conversions will have on required minimum distributions after age 73? Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA spitball on all these Roth conversion tax reduction strategies, today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 466. Plus, does the math make sense on a company-matched Kai-Zen indexed universal life insurance policy for Kickass Seabass in New Jersey? Ed in Virginia wants to know the earnings limits for family Social Security benefits. But first, can JJ in Florida’s retirement portfolio handle withdrawals of $150,000 per year? And from the banks of the Mighty Mississ