Limit Free Life With Michelle Perkins

EP 114 Fresh Start Finance: Navigating Your Financial Goals in the New Year



In this podcast episode, Michelle Perkins serves as the host and discusses the importance of reflecting on one's relationship with money and creating a budget for the new year. She encourages listeners to break down their expenses into smaller increments to gain a better understanding of their financial situation. Perkins emphasizes the need to assess past expenses and identify areas where expenses can be reduced or adjusted to align with financial goals. The episode targets individuals who are looking to organize their finances and set financial goals for the new year. It provides practical advice and insights on budgeting and managing personal finances, offering listeners a framework to improve their relationship with money and work towards financial success.Michelle also discusses various financial goals and strategies for the year. She emphasizes the importance of having an emergency fund for financial security in case of unexpected events. Michelle advises listeners to consider other savings goals, devel