Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Enabling A Psychological Safe Place, The Pillar of Scrum Master Success | Josh Lambert



Josh Lambert: Enabling A Psychological Safe Place, The Pillar of Scrum Master Success Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Josh delves into the essence of success for Scrum Masters, posing questions on facilitation skills, active team engagement, and the creation of a psychologically safe environment. Emphasizing the need for continuous practice, he suggests evaluating success by the team's participation in planning, refinement, and events. Transparency in showcasing the Scrum Master's contributions and a focus on psychological safety stand out as key indicators. Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: It’s a 10! The Perfection Game Applied To A Scrum Team And Their Sprint In this episode, Josh emphasizes the significance of retrospectives, deeming them the most crucial team event. His favorite format, "It's a 10!", involves a 10-column scor