Branson Country Usa Podcasts

Mary Lou Turner with all your Branson Country USA favorites!



This week we welcome Mary Lou Turner! Born in Hazard, Kentucky, Mary Lou Turner began her career as a regular on the famous Wheeling Jamboree radio show on WWVA in Wheeling, West Virginia. She began turning heads in 1974 with her first popular song, “All That Keeps Me Going”. She followed that success with several other songs that reached the top 50 on the U.S. Country Charts, including “It's Different With You”, “Love It Away”, and “Cheatin' Overtime”. Though a star in her own right, she may be best known for the duets she sang with Bill Anderson. The duo teamed up to produce hits in the top 25 on the U.S. Country Charts, including “I'm Way Ahead of You” and “Where Are You Going, Billy Boy”. The pair released “Sometimes” in 1976 which reached Number 1 on the Country Charts. That same year, she and Bill also released “That's What Made Me Love You” reaching number 7 with that hit. Mary Lou has performed in the theaters of Branson, Missouri for many years. She starred with both Boxcar Willie and Buck