The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

353: A Stress-Reducing Year-Round Schedule for House Cleaning and Maintenance for a Small Household



A tidy sanctuary creates mental space to find calm more readily. Upon walking into my home, Le Papillon, knowing and then witnessing that it has been cleaned, tidied and unnecessary items have been removed, whether that be emptying the recycling basket in the boot & basket room (aka mudroom), countertops are cleared of extraneous items, and the flowers are fresh, I breathe some of the deepest breaths I ever take during my days. Distractions to the mind come into our lives in a variety of ways (I share and discuss 11 forms of distraction here), and one such way is clutter of items in our homes, items without a home, too many items, dusty, dirty, disorganized spaces, counters, windows, fabrics, floors, etc. No doubt, I am not sharing anything you don't already know. But how do we tend to our homes and still have time and energy to live the lives we want to live? I will admit to being nearly totally in alignment with Simone Beauvoir's train of thinking shared in her book The Second Sex when it com