The Simple Sophisticate - Intelligent Living Paired With Signature Style

354: How to Find Your Financial Freedom: The Importance of Understanding, Writing and LIVING Your Love Story with Money



  "To have a good relationship with money, you must know who you are and what your purpose is in this world." —Kate Northrup, Money: A Love Story Find your purpose, exercise your courage and you are on your way to financial freedom. Simple AND true. Not easy, but definitely doable. For many of us, we were taught (or it was modeled) that money and how to approach money successfully is to solely look at it logically, requiring tangible proofs in order to know we are successful - the amount of money in our checking account, a lack of debt, the amount we have saved in our chosen mode of savings, the value of our quantifiable assets - our home, our business, etc., etc.. Don't worry, I am not going to say, being without any money in the bank is okay as long as you have [insert whatever non-monetary example you have heard], because it's not true. We do need money to live and live well; however, to only look at the numbers is to dismiss the powerful engine of creating the financial freedom you seek. Our liv