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When Grind Culture Meets Burnout: How To Revitalize You & Your Career Path | Dr. Debbie Sorensen



In today’s episode, we tackle burnout with Dr Debbie Sorensen. Dr Sorensen got her PhD in psychology from Harvard University, is the cohost of the Psychologists Off the Clock podcast, runs a private practice in Boulder, Colorado, and is the author of ACT for Burnout: Recharge, Reconnect, and Transform Burnout With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Today’s conversation delves into the signs, impact, and strategies to recover from burnout. Gain insights into recognizing burnout, addressing its root causes, and exploring Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as a means to tackle burnout. From personal experiences to practical advice on navigating burnout, this episode offers a wealth of information to help listeners develop resilience and regain a sense of balance. What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 What are the obvious indicators of burnout that everyone overlooks when they’re burnt out? This one thing prevents most people from overcoming burnout Which of these 5 burnout cycles do you suffer fro