The Psychology Podcast

Susan Baum || To Be Gifted & Learning Disabled



Today it’s great to have Susan Baum on the podcast. Dr. Baum is the Director of the 2e Center for Research and Professional Development at Bridges Academy, a school for twice-exceptional children. She is also Provost of the Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education. She is the author of many books and articles primarily focusing on understanding and nurturing the needs of special populations of gifted underachieving students including the award-winning 3rd edition of her seminal work To Be Gifted & Learning Disabled. Her research and experience in the field of twice-exceptional education have earned her much recognition: 2010 recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award granted by the Weinfeld Group, 2011 recipient of the Connecticut Association for the Gifted “Friend of the Gifted Award; the 2015 Distinguished Professional Alumni Award from the Neag School of Education; the Lifetime Achievement Award from AEGUS and the 2e Newsletter in 2017, as well as the Alexinia Baldwin Award from Nat