Hong Kong Confidential

S1E197: 197| A Life of Acceptance



REPLAYED CONTENT FOR PRIDE MONTH: Jason Masters was a married father of two children who discovered later in life that he was gay. Jason discusses his journey of understanding his sexual identity and how he had to come to terms with this and aligned his Christian faith with his acceptance of himself. Jason shares the experience of seeking therapy and then having to come out to his wife and how they worked through this significant event as a family. Jason talks about how there is a gap in the support available for teens who discover that they have a gay father and he feels his kids would have benefited from this kind of support in the early days when he told them he was gay. Jason reveals that he was bullied as a child and had an explosive father, and this coupled with his suppression of his sexuality, led to some mental health issues. He praises the support that he had from medical professionals and also from his church community. Jason has become an accidental activist in the Uniting Church and wants to