The Confidence Podcast With Trish Blackwell

#579: How to Be Consistent and Why You Should Expand Your Discomfort Tolerance



If you're consistent, you can create any result you want. The truth is, most people give too soon. They stop right before the breakthrough. They tire of the uncomfortable feelings of boredom or disappointment and they become inconsistent in following through. The result? They don't get the result they want, and then they're discouraged. Too much discouragement deters you from your destiny and from remembering who you are and what you're capable of. Anyone can be consistent, if you decide to be. This episode will teach you the secret to consistency, and how to leverage the discomfort of keeping your word to yourself to expand your discomfort capacity … because when you expand your discomfort capacity, you exponentially scale what's possible for you in life. ✅ ‌ FREE CLASS! LEARN HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK ‌ Don’t forget to sign up for our free “How to Stop Caring What People Think” webinar masterclass at ‌ ✅‌ GET ACCELERATED RESULTS: Our next-level coachin