International Report

Attack on football referee exposes anti-elite resentment in divided Turkey



The assault of a referee at a Turkish professional football match has drawn international condemnation and the unprecedented suspension of all league games. But it's also brought into focus the wider spectre of violence against public officials in Turkish society, which some blame on the polarising politics of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. After a week-long suspension, Turkish football supporters returned to the stadiums a few days ago.Play had been suspended for a week after a referee was punched and then kicked on the ground by senior club officials of a major league team.Halil Umut Meler, who often referees international games, was hospitalised in the incident, which drew worldwide condemnation.But the assault also brought into focus the growing violence faced by many public professionals in Turkey. Turkish football plunges into crisis after referee attackIn a video circulating on social media, doctors ask why they are the target of assaults, a problem medical professionals say is increasingly urgent.T