The Confidence Podcast With Trish Blackwell

#578: Time Boxing vs Time Assigning vs. Time Blocking: The Art of Planning for Success



Do you feel like you never have enough time to get everything done, and like you never will? Like the pressures of the world and your to-do list are in conflict with your dreams and passions and the life you want to live. Time management is a huge industry - with apps, calendars, planners, and hacks of all kinds - and yet, most people still struggle. What gives? I believe we've overcomplicated things, both in our minds, in our standards and in our expectations, and in this episode of The Confidence Podcast, I'm going to teach you the SIMPLE art of planning for success and making time to get things done. You'll learn time boxing, time assigning and time blocking, and how to implement them so that you get more done in less time and start having the time abundance in life that you desperately crave. ✅ ‌ FREE CLASS! LEARN HOW TO STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK ‌ Don’t forget to sign up for our free “How to Stop Caring What People Think” webinar masterclass at ‌ ✅‌ GET AC