Crushin' It With Nick Cody

Ep 01 - WAR DOGS! - Mark Donaldson VC



Mark Donaldson is a member of the SAS (Australia's elite Special Forces unit), a Victoria Cross recipient, was the Young Australian of the Year in 2010 and is just an all-round top bloke. We chat for just over an hour about a whole lotta stuff. The SAS, getting in gunfights, eating sheeps eyeballs, pranks, corporate gigs, the best thickshakes and what Buckingham Palace is really like. I then put him through a test as hard as the SAS Selection Course. The Crushin' It Quiz: Rap Lyric or Conor McGregor quote. GET HIS AUTOBIOGRAPHY! Hardcover/Digital e-Book/Audiobook available. Mark Donaldson - The CrossroadA story of Life, Death & the SAS Follow him on Instagram - @markdonaldsonvc