Crushin' It With Nick Cody

Ep 03 - #CaringForKian - Kai Humphries



This week, hilarious English comic, Kai Humphries, meets me in London to discuss the unbeliveable charity work he is doing (and getting others involved with) for a little kid by the name of Kian Musgrove. Kian is a little three year old dude who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, an aggressive type of brain cancer. Kai, with the help of a bunch of absolute legends, has gone about raising over 450,000 pound (I can't find the pound sign...dammit) and is now just 100,000 pound short of the 550,000 target to get Kian over to the United States for a breakthrough treatment. Don't despair, Kai talks about how much of a trooper the little dude is and how positive it is all looking. We also cover some hilarious pranks his old housemate, comedian Daniel Sloss, pulled on him and what happens when you are chivalrous in Bourke St McDonalds. DONATE HERE: BUY MY STAND-UP SPECIAL "HERE'S TROUBLE" HERE (100% PROCEEDS GOING TO KIAN):