Dj Icemoon | The Beat Confusion - Live Mixtapes




..memo note from one month a go.. probably stuff nobody understand or even care about.. 324.. Surprise surprise   If I am almost you find my mind here somewhere between 320 and 324.. Referring still to 318 working on this tight bass since ref. 12.60%F • 1.46R The convergence of this artwork and the work it self.. If I can say technical.. It happens sometimes like I 271S an Z series that we have to work on exactly same frequency type to adjust this brain of ours :) However this sample of Icemoon 324er live edition converges to many layers in order to even explain something about since 231er live edition.. Il end up with 100 editions for season 4 with shit that happens for some reason.. Now this is an opportunity.. Surprise surprise.. Convergence was mentioned and felt really close this state of mind.. When we have the feeling of finding it.. It keeps running from you.. And hope so.. NS6 isn’t my favorite toy but this edition was made on it.. Same issues as in 312-317.. All failed.. After a hard work on the