Leading Saints Podcast

How I Led During the Creek Fire | An Interview with Vicki Clason



Most of Vicki Clason’s life has been spent in the tiny town of Auberry, located in the foothills near Fresno, California. Vicki loves the natural beauty and close-knit community of her foothill home where she and her husband together raised five children. Her love of community inspired Vicki to run for the local school board where she served for five years before becoming employed as a high school teacher for the same district. She is now retired and spending more time with her 11 grandchildren (with another due soon). Vicki was serving as Relief Society president when the devastating 2020 Creek Fire altered her beloved community forever. A year later, Vicki continues to serve the Auberry Ward members they rebuild and recover to create some beauty where there once was ashes. In this podcast, Vicki shares her experience as a Relief Society president during a time when 97% of her ward had to be evacuated, giving tips and advice to prepare for such crises. Highlights 3:40 Vicki’s experience evacuating her famil