Peristyle Podcast - Usc Trojan Football Discussion

Helium Boys Podcast: USC hires new LB coach Matt Entz, Holiday Bowl and shameless merch plugs



The Helium Boys Podcast returns with Shotgun Spratling and Chris Trevino behind the microphones as USC continues to get ready for the Holiday Bowl, which is now two weeks away. While the Trojans haven't taken the field for a game, that doesn't mean there hasn't been news in the jam-packed month of December with the transfer portal whirring in both directions across the nation, the Early Signing Period coming in a week, coaches on the move and players announcing their intentions to enter the NFL Draft and/or skip their teams' bowl game. Shotgun and Chris break down all the latest happenings around the land of Troy. The Helium Boys episode opens with the 'Two-Minute Drill' with each Helium Boy being given the freedom to go in any direction. Shotgun leads off with the power move of USC hiring away North Dakota State national champion head coach Matt Entz to be its linebacker coach. In the holiday spirit (or because of his slowly recovering vocal cords), Shotgun evens does the improbable and 'gifts' some of his t