Inspiring You With Henri Hebert

Ep 301: Dec Energy Forecast Self-Reflection Journal Questions



This month's energy forecast continues to emphasize revitalizing the nervous system and nurturing ourselves during transformative times.  The Emergence of the High Heart theme signifies a state of being where the heart truly understands, senses, and views life from a calm, intuitive, and encompassing perspective. Self-Reflection Questions:  1.     We've all been shaped by societal norms around what to value, how to behave, who to associate with, what to aim for in life, and even what not to desire. But now, it's time to scrutinize all these acquired values, beliefs, and norms. In this process, one crucial point will be to stay committed and avoid being swayed by outer disturbances. 2.     Consider who or what requires your forgiveness to keep moving forward? This could surprisingly be yourself for countless reasons—make sure to be in compassion for self and others as things are shifting. 3.     What kind of life do you envision for yourself?  4.     Do you aim for a balanced life where your intui