SermonAudio Classics

What Is United Prayer?



--It's a Joint Resolution of United Prayer.----We are a dedicated and earnest group of individuals of all ages from around the world that meet for an hour each day -M-F - 12pm ET- over Zoom to pray. It is a traditional prayer meeting that begins with a brief 10-min meditation followed by corporate prayer by all participants as time allows. --This prayer meeting found its inspiration from the publication of -An Humble Attempt- written by Jonathan Edwards in 1748. Its design is to encourage God's people in the duty of united extraordinary prayer- setting aside some time to pray for the revival of His church and the advancement of Christ's kingdom in our homes, in our churches, in our nation, and in the world.--In this short video, some of the participants of United Prayer share what this prayer call means to them in their own words. As much as we are thankful for the blessings of this call, it is a daily burden to keep the fires burning in our own hearts.----Learn more