Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Using your website to reach your ideal client



As a private practice IBCLC your website is usually the first contact your prospective clients will have with you and your business. Making your website easy to navigate and quickly get the necessary information is essential for a new and tired parent. In this episode, Leah and Annie share their resources for online scheduling, HIPAA compliance, website design, and more.“You never want people leaving your website while they’re still deciding if they want to work with you” In this episode, we will cover: How to make an impression - Your website is the first source of contact with your clients. The importance of mobile compatibility - New moms are tired! Help them by making your website navigable during 3AM feedings. What do I include on my website? Annie and Leah share tips on what you should and shouldn’t include on your website. The Final Step - Contact & Booking are the most important parts of your website. Annie and Leah talk about how to make this step easy and efficient, as well as share resource