Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Compassion fatigue and the IBCLC



Overwork, compassion fatigue, burnout. It’s a common cycle for anyone in a helping profession, and it feels especially intense for lactation consultants because the stakes are so high—I mean, we’re working with babies who can’t eat! Compassion fatigue is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be the end of you."If you don’t take care of yourself there won’t be anyone to take care of the families that need you" In this episode, we will cover: What to do when you are tired: We all have limits, and we’re all going to reach them Hitting the wall: What it looks like when the compassion runs out Powering through: Getting through the other side Strategies for prevention: You can help yourself so you can help others Recharge and overcome: Put your compassion in the right place  Links and Resources Keep the fires burning: Conquering stress and burnout as a Mother-Baby Professional Subscribe to the Deeper Dive Membership: Have an idea for a podc