Lactation Business Coaching With Annie And Leah

Rebroadcast | The Power of Collaboration with Nikki & Nikki



We are so excited to rebroadcast this episode all about the power of collaboration with Nikki & Nikki.Do you know that kismet moment when you start talking to someone and the brimming over of idea-sharing makes you feel like you are on to something? Something that hasn’t been created yet and there is a big need for it in the world. Like you and this person can literally come together and give birth to something unique and extraordinary, just like the one-of-a-kind tiny humans with which we work.That is exactly what happened when we met and decided to collaborate on LBC. Here’s the thing, we are not the only ones connecting with colleagues and germinating ideas that can help to create the IBCLC world in which we all want to live. That is why we were SO excited to welcome Nikki Greenaway, IBCLC, aka Nurse Nikki, and Nekisha Killings MPH, IBCLC, RLC - the dynamic duo that makes Nikki & Nikki - to our most recent podcast episode - The Power of Collaboration. Their collaboration grew from identifying gaps