Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

Victories at the Ballot Box!



On the radio show this week, we cover the recent victories at the ballot box with Moms (Against) Liberty losing the majority of their extremist school board races across the nation, voters ensuring that their children don’t have fewer freedoms than they did in Ohio, and democracy rising throughout the country. During this show we hear tips on how to be an effective activist, as well as hear about the many places of hope, and why it’s time to double down as we go into 2024.   *Special guests include: Kim Anderson, National Education Association, @NEAToday; Carol Joyner, Family Values @ Work Action, @FamValuesAction; Barbara Arnwine, Transformative Justice Coalition, @barbs73 @BarbaraArnwine, @TJC_DC; and Maurice Mitchell, Working Families Party, @WorkingFamilies