Resolution Foundation Podcasts

Autumn (Statement) Watch



The economy is set to be a defining feature of the run in to next General Election. Inflation is falling, but so too is consumer confidence. Tax revenues are going up, but NHS waiting lists aren’t coming down. In the Autumn Statement the Chancellor will be navigating these short-term challenges, but also addressing longer-term questions about Britain’s weak growth and strained public finances. What is the latest outlook for the UK economy ahead of the General Election next year? To what extent did the Chancellor balance pressure on the public finances with political pressure to please voters? How might the Chancellor’s decisions improve economic growth or boost living standards? And what does the likely penultimate fiscal event before the UK goes to the polls tell us about the economic battleground that the next General Election will be fought over? The morning after the Autumn Statement, the Resolution Foundation is hosting an event to discuss these issues and more. Following a presentation from Foundation s