The Ultimate Entrepreneur

313 - Stephen M.R. Covey - Trust & Inspire: Leadership for a New Era



Stephen M.R. Covey returns with transformative insights on leadership and trust in the modern world. Exploring the shift from traditional command-and-control approaches to a trust-and-inspire philosophy, Covey delves into how these principles are not just about business efficiency, but also about fostering meaningful work and inspiring both teams and consumers in a world brimming with choices.SHOWNOTESThe Outdated Command-and-Control Model: Stephen explains that the old way of leading through command and control is becoming obsolete in a knowledge-worker economy characterized by service and collaboration.The Rise of Trust-and-Inspire Leadership: The discussion centers on the necessity for leaders to evolve and adopt a trust-and-inspire approach that is more suitable for today's interconnected and choice-rich world.The Distinction Between Leading and Managing: Stephen emphasizes the importance of managing systems and leading people. When people are treated as things, it diminishes their potential and desire to