Divorce Master Radio

Day In The Life Of A Divorce LDA (Paralegal) Los Angeles Divorce Divorce661 #dailyperspektiv Ep. 30



In this Podcast, we have some important updates and insights regarding divorce filings in LA County: Announcement: There are only 9 days left to file your divorce case in LA County for it to be finalized this year. For example, if you efile a case by December 20th, it can be submitted for approval 30 days later. Typically, we're seeing same-day or next-day approvals. The final divorce date for cases filed now will still be on May 21, 2024. Consultations: We've had 4 consults recently, showing a growing need for our services. New Cases/Filings: We've filed 4 new cases in LA County, with clients living in Valencia, Encino, and Castaic. We've also taken over a rejected judgment case in Encino. All these cases are already filed, and we have received filed copies. Approvals: We've had 3 cases approved in LA County, which were efiled today, indicating a smooth process. Completed Judgment Packages/Settlement Agreements: We've successfully completed 3 judgment packages and settlement agreements. Upcoming Approv