Anthropology@deakin Podcast

Episode #34: Anne Pollock



In this episode, we continue to explore the outer limits of collegiality during a pandemic and bring you a conversation with Professor Anne Pollock and special guest host Professor Emma Kowal (Deakin University). Dr Pollock is Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine at Kings College London, and her research focuses on biomedicine and culture, theories of race and gender, and the ways in which science and medicine are mobilised in social justice projects. Dr Pollock's books include 'Medicating Race: Heart Disease and Durable Preoccupations with Difference' (Duke University Press, 2012), 'Synthesizing Hope: Matter, Knowledge and Place in South African Drug Discovery' (University of Chicago Press, 2019) and, as we discuss, she is finishing a book manuscript on racism, health disparities and biopolitics in the 21st Century titled 'Sickening'. We also discuss hope as a practice, the ethics of the uneventful, accessing medical scientists, feminist STS and much more. -- Conversations in Anthropology is a pod