Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Beyond the Positivity Bubble: Unveiling the Reality of Toxic with Pamela Brooks



Toxic positivity has become a prevalent issue in the workplace, with several studies highlighting its widespread impact.67.8% of respondents in a Science of People survey reported experiencing toxic positivity from someone in the past week. More than 75% of respondents in the same survey admitted that they "sometimes, often, or very often ignore their own emotions in favor of being happy." Source: Science of People survey, 2023But why should an executive or even a manager care?What’s wrong with pumping up people by focusing on what’s working? In a recent Forbes article entitled The Negative Impact of Toxic Positivity In the Workplace, Senior Contributor Jack Kelly defined “toxic positivity as the belief that employees must focus on positive emotions and disavow negative feelings in the workplace. A toxic positivity agenda calls for being enthusiastic and upbeat despite the dire situation. No matter what goes wrong, you are not allowed to show or say anything resembling negativity. No