Ham Radio Podclass 2016

The Role of AI in Podcasting Today – MDW395



World 395 for November 8th 2023 Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Mike Dell's World, where we explore the fascinating corners of technology and its impact on our daily lives. I’m your host, Mike Dell, and today, we're delving into the intriguing world of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and its increasing role in the podcasting universe. Podcasting has always been about the human connection—voices in our ears, telling stories, sharing knowledge, and sparking conversations. But as technology advances, AI is becoming an integral part of this audio experience. It's transforming how we create, distribute, and even listen to podcasts. So, buckle up as we take a quick dive into this tech evolution! First off, let's talk about content creation. AI is now assisting podcasters in scripting, with tools that help in writing more engaging and SEO-friendly content. Imagine having an AI co-writer that suggests topics based on trending data or even helps to fine-tune your language for better clarity and im