Ham Radio Podclass 2016

World’s Worst Podcast Episode – MDW396



Summary: In this episode (#396) of Mike Dell's World, aired on November 9th, 2023, Mike Dell reflects on his previous podcast episode, which he dubs as potentially the world's worst, entirely created with AI tools. He walks through the process of using ChatGPT for scripting, Descript for voice training, and AI for generating episode artwork. Mike shares his experiences with podcast apps, switching from Overcast to Castamatic, and recommends others for users to try. He updates listeners on his shoulder surgery recovery, the convenience of passive exercises, and the adjustments he's had to make during his recovery, including hiring help for yard work. Mike also talks about dealing with a planned power outage during his wife's birthday celebration and plans for the next podcast episode during this disruption. Key Points: - Mike Dell's experiment with a fully AI-produced podcast episode. - Tools used for the episode: ChatGPT for scripting, Descript for voice training, AI for artwork. - Discussion about various