So What Do You Really Do?

Delivery Guy, Skier, Farmer, Comedian Jordan Handren-Seavey



J Today on the podcast is my friend Jordan Handren-Seavey (which I probably said incorrectly, because that’s what I do sometimes). Jordan is a comedian from Maine, now living in Boston, who spends his days driving a delivery truck for a bakery. As you can imagine there’ll be a few choice words about Boston traffic in the podcast. He also at one time was a professional skier and grew up on a real, working farm. Jordan is a funny guy, with some interesting stories; so I’m really glad I was able to get him in here to talk about comedy and trying to get by in the real world. Also, sorry if this went up a little late, I’ve been having computer problems since Sunday night that I’ve been trying to fix… and so far I think I did. We’ll see. Thanks for downloading and listening to the podcast, for subscribing if you have (please do). If you like what you’ve heard or laughed more than, let’s say, 3 times, give it a review on iTunes, please. Enjoy! Music in this episode by my good friend Scott Lester.