So What Do You Really Do?

Nanny, Actor, Comedian India Pearl



Thanks so much for listening to this week’s long awaited episode of the podcast. I say long awaited because it’s taken 3 weeks to get the computer I use for everything fixed, working, and put back together so I can get this episode online. Regardless, I’m glad to finally get this interview up with a very funny comedian, actress, and nanny, India Pearl. I met India here in Boston, shortly afterwards she moved to peruse acting and comedy in LA where she is also a Nanny, and a Party Princess, and works at a comedy club, and is working hard. We talk a lot about LA, the difference between there and Boston, how her job affects comedy and acting, and we talk deep about the club scenes as well. India was in a horror movie that just came out, The Inhabitants, which is available on Amazon. It was filmed here in the Boston area. If you’re into horror, this would be a good movie for you to check out. This was a fun podcast for me because I learned a lot of things I never knew nor thought about when it came to working wit