Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Crafting a Culture of Love for Work, The Real Challenge for Real Agile Leaders | Chris Garvey



Chris Garvey: Crafting a Culture of Love for Work, The Real Challenge for Real Agile Leaders Chris delves into his perspective on success for Scrum Masters, drawing inspiration from a Simon Sinek story about hotel experiences. He aspires to help team members genuinely love their jobs. Success, for Chris, hinges on trust among team members and leaders, enabling them to excel and voice concerns. He emphasizes the transition from stressing about delivery to focusing on high performance. Ownership of work methods and problem-solving is key, as is the ability to step back under pressure. Chris also advocates for creating a safe space to foster open communication within the team. Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Visualizing Progress with the Speedboat Retrospective Chris discusses his favored retrospective format, the "Speedboat." He appreciates its visual nature and the ease with which participants grasp it. Using a standard laminated print, he guides teams to imagine their ideal day together.