Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Ep 217 | Do You Have a Clear Morality Matrix? If Not, You Make Many Unnecessary Mistakes



Much of what you say flows subconsciously from your morality matrix. Many of your decisions are made based on your morality matrix. If you don’t have one, you are making a whole bunch of damaging mistakes in your life. With a proper functioning morality matrix you make far fewer mistakes and life is more joyful. With no morality matrix, or worse, a broken one, you are making decisions in finance, romance, and socially that will come back and bite you—if they haven’t already done so. Morality is not like a toddler learning to walk. Gaining one is not automatic. A functioning morality matrix is like calculus, cooking or car repair. Unless you make the effort to acquire them, you won’t have them. There are more than one morality matrix available. Did you ever deliberately and purposefully choose yours? Do you and your spouse share a morality matrix? If not, God help you! Your morality matrix is not confined to your faith. How well you are doing with Family, Finances, and Friendships has much to do with the exist