Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Prioritizing People And Empowering Teams in the Scrum Master's Absence | Anna Mbengam



Anna Mbengam: Prioritizing People And Empowering Teams in the Scrum Master's Absence Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: In this episode, Anna emphasizes the critical role of a Scrum Master in ensuring team happiness. She prioritizes facilitating self-organization and meaningful interactions among team members. Anna's success criteria extend beyond metrics to encompass factors like continuous improvement, agile mindset adoption, and positive team culture. She advocates for open dialogue and hosts regular one-on-one meetings to gauge individual team members' progress and well-being. Anna also empowers the team to take ownership of the Scrum Master role in her absence, assessing the impact upon her return.  Featured Retrospective Format For The Week: Start/Stop/Continue, To Help Scrum Masters Listen Better Anna likes the 'Start/Stop/Continue' retrospective format