Ham Radio Podclass 2016

Flying, Shoulder Surgery, Fall Update – NaPodPoMo 2023 – MDW387



Hello, everyone! It feels like ages since we last caught up. My summer and fall have been quite eventful, to say the least. Flight Adventures: I embarked on an exhilarating flight training journey at the renowned Giving Wings Flight Center in Traverse City. However, life threw a curveball, and I need to undergo rotator cuff surgery this week. This means a short break from my flying lessons. On the bright side, my recovery will give me a reprieve from snowblowing duties this winter!   Home Renovations: On the home front, we've taken on some significant projects. The old woodshed behind our garage, which was on its last legs, has been removed. In its stead, we've erected a functional carport-style tent. It's the perfect storage space for our summer essentials, freeing up the garage to serve its primary purpose once again. Podcast News: Exciting times ahead as I've committed to NaPodPoMo (National Podcast Posting Month) this year! I'm eager to dive into podcasting throughout November, sharing intriguing ep