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Art vs. Content w/ Matt LeMay from Nov 8, 2010



Lucky Dragons - "Power Melody" - Open Power 12'' EP [Free Music Archive // Creative Commons BY-NC-SA ] Dustin Wong - "Anniversary Song" - Let It Go [Free Music Archive // Creative Commons BY-NC-ND ] Set: Art vs. Content w/ Matt LeMay Matt LeMay is a writer, musician, coder and generally thinky/talky dude. His latest article, "Living in the Age of Art vs Content", is an in-depth answer to the question Zach Baron posed in the Village Voice: "Is It Possible to Sell Out in 2010?", and to Steve Albini dissin Sonic Youth for their Major Label move. Also referenced: Henry Rollins video and this NY Times article - "talkin Art vs Content w/ Matt LeMay" [backing tracks include Ja Prawn - "Gearworm" Lee Rosevere - "Backtime" and "Stormbox" Broke For Free - "Calm the Fuck Down" Patrick Lee - "Quittin' Time"] End of set Pierced Arrows - "In My Brain" - Straight to the Heart [Free Music Archive // Creative Commons BY-NC-SA ] The Paparazzi - "The Rococo Tape" - Ampeater's BreakThruRadio Compilation [Free Music Arc