Matrix Breakers

The Real Purpose Behind Qanon & Bracing For the World’s Next War



Welcome to another exciting episode of Matrix Breakers, your ultimate guide to cracking open the world around us. Hosted by Dylon Suggs, today’s episode takes a deep dive into the shadowy world of psychological operations and their role in misleading public opinion. In this gripping conversation, we'll unravel the intricate tactics used to spin webs of deception, leading people down rabbit holes of false conspiracy theories. These well-orchestrated distractions serve a dark purpose - to discredit legitimate conspiracies and mask the truth from the public eye. To demystify this complex topic, we’ll delve into the recent Qanaon falsehoods. This exploration will arm you with the knowledge to distinguish between the contrived and the authentic. In addition, we’ll shed new light on an enduring global conflict that has both puzzled and divided the world - the turbulent dispute between Israel and Palestine. With historical context in hand, we aim to foster a deeper comprehension of the genesis of this clash,