Solid Steps Radio

#401 "State Representative John Hodgson - "God Created Government; Man Created Politics" 10/6/23



“God created government, man created politics…Government role is to protect people from evil and those who won’t govern themselves…if you’re not doing politics, politics is going to be doing something to you.” - John Hodgson, Kentucky State Representative District 36 (Eastern Jefferson County) Religion and politics. Two things that we’ve been told, over the decades, not to talk about. But when you look at the landscape of our culture today, the results of the lack of discussion on those two things are playing out in front of our eyes every day, to our detriment. On this weekends show, Kentucky representative, John Hodgson, State Representative District 36, talks about the importance of local elections, the impact and role of a governor, and what makes a good governor. With about half of the people who are eligible to vote NOT voting for different reasons, turn out is what makes an election successful, for the ones that turn out to vote. Topics discussed: - History and origin of dictatorships - Why the ro