Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 336: Make Peace With This for Success



Hey everyone Sheevaun Moran here Driving For Your Success and this one thing that has nearly every startup small business owner leader of a business that is thriving uh leaders in business really have issue with and it astounds me how many people have issue with this because it is the backbone of every single business, every single company, every single Spurt of growth or  downturn and growth and what I have found over the many many many many many many entrepreneurs and leaders and small business owners who I've helped that maybe didn't come to me for growing their business however that's where we always end up and it's about sales and marketing and most people have a very ugly relationship with sales and marketing most people actually don't even like sales they think sales is something that is done to people that is taking advantage of people that is something that is horrific to even do and I remember this one particular entrepreneur and his assistant actually uh got him to work with me because their compan