Breaking Through With Kristin Rowe-finkbeiner (powered By Momsrising)

#GovernmentShutdown #MediaMatters #ChildcareCiff #Momnibus



On the radio show this week, we cover why the national budget is also a moral document that shows the deep priorities of our country – and where kids stand in that budget; we uncover the latest with Fox News, dive into double standards and false equivalencies in the media, and learn tactics to get real news; we hear about the #ChildcareCliff why it impacts businesses too and hear how we can help our nation avoid it; and we close the show discussing tactics to get every member of Congress on the bus… the Momnibus!   *Special guests include: Michelle Dallafior,  First Focus on Children, @First_Focus; Angelo Carusone, Media Matters, @mmfa; Lauren Hipp, MomsRising, @MomsRising; and Tina Sherman, MomsRising, @MomsRising.