Golf Smarter

More Pars Makes Golf More Fun. But Is It Possible For You? YES! with Christina Ricci



688: Christina Ricci started playing golf in 2000, and remarkably achieved a 5hcp in only five years. Since then she’s become a dedicated LPGA Certified Teaching professional, has written multiple books , developed numerous training products, contributes to GolfTips Magazine, and has been featured on the Golf Channel. Thanks to a listener suggestion who attended one of her many Make Pars Camps she joins us to talk about chipping, topping the ball, and why teaching women is only slightly different than teaching men. This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans we meet Seth Glasco of the SouthPaw Golf Academy, "For Lefties, By Lefties". You can also subscribe to Mulligans on Smarter Mulligans is supported by where you can buy premium used golf balls, with little to no discernible difference, and at a fraction of the cost of new balls. Use “golfsmarter” at checkout to get an additional 10% off every order, every time! Some restrictions apply. Have a question about